I think we can all agree it feels good to have white teeth, right? Well, I’m here to say you don’t need to get them professionally whitened or spend tons of $$ to do so! Here’s how:

I grew up using Crest white strips and I just remember they’d make my gums so sensitive. My mom got me hooked on this 2-ingredient concoction in high school & I began noticing a huge difference in both the whiteness and the sensitivity of my teeth. It’s super affordable and one batch honestly lasts forever, so you won’t have to worry about emptying your bank account in order to have whiter teeth. I know it sounds crazy that turmeric, a spice that stains anything and everything in the kitchen, can help whiten your teeth, but I swear it works! This study explains how turmeric can be effectively used in the prevention of plaque and gingivitis. Coconut oil also has many benefits– I’m sure you’ve heard of oil pulling— but it’s known to be antibacterial and antiseptic, helping remove and kill toxins/bacteria.

2 INGREDIENTS:  coconut oil + turmeric powder

DIRECTIONS:  Mix 1/4 cup coconut oil (room temp) with 1/2 tsp turmeric powder in medium bowl until thoroughly combined. Transfer to small container (I use a mini Weck jar) and you can store in your bathroom. It works great whether it turns liquid or hardens.

HOW OFTEN TO USE:  I typically use in the morning and at night immediately following my typical toothpaste routine. We alternate between Tom’s toothpaste and Dr. Bronner’s toothpaste. This coconut oil + turmeric mix should be a *supplement* to your regular oral routine. I will continue to use for 5-7 days in a row, or until I see a noticeable difference, then I’ll take a few week break in between.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE:  turmeric does stain EVERYTHING, so keep that in mind. Aka when you spit in the sink or choose to spit out in a garbage or separate container to throw away (hot tip to save your pipes), know that you have to be precise lol. If you don’t like the taste of coconut oil, I suggest using refined coconut oil as it’s a more subtle flavor.

*disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, so take it how you wish 🙂 Hope you love it, and if you’ve tried it already, let me know in the comments below!

Welcome! I’m Rachael.

I enjoy sharing my love for food and fitness. I'm a registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, and a New York Times Bestselling author. Here you'll find all kinds of recipes and kitchen hacks, as well as workouts and fitness motivation. Enjoy! — xx Rachael

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  1. Thanks for this hack–can’t wait to try it! I’ve heard baking soda is amazing for teeth as well, wondering if you’ve tried adding it in to this mix/would recommend doing so to level it up? Thanks again!

  2. Ordered Turmeric the second this blog post came out, Amazon swiftly delivered & my boyfriend and I will be starting tonight!! Thank you for the tip, I usually use crest strips but they damage my enamel so much that I have stopped using recently and really miss the super whiteness of my teeth (I drink so much coffee so my teeth hate me haha).

  3. These are some great information that you have shared here about my go to natural teeth whitening hack . I really loved it and thank you very much for sharing this with us. You have a great visualization and you have really presented this content in a really good manner.

  4. It looks like your upper teeth are veneers and your lower teeth are natural. Does the turmeric coconut oil concoction work best on veneers?

    1. I don’t have veneers and wouldn’t recommend this on them! I would consult with your dentist first 🙂 xx Rachael

  5. I loved your blog and thanks for publishing this!! Here you will come to know about the natural whitening hack. I am really happy to come across this exceptionally well written content. Thanks for sharing and look for more in future!!I must say this, if you get time can visit Whiteningco.nz for ideas on this topic.

  6. Hi! This is an AWESOME hack. Last week, my hygienist complimented me on how white my teeth have gotten! One question, how do you keep the weck jar seal from stretching?

    1. I’m definitely going to try this! Im assuming that the turmeric will stain my toothbrush head so if I use an electric brush I should probably use a disposable one for the week I do this?