I’ll be preaching the benefits of using resistance bands until the day I die, I swear. I’m back in the gym after more than 6 weeks off and my Rec Sweat resistance bands have been my bffs. Resistance training has so many benefits, but bands are especially great for regaining strength, improving stability, and increasing your range of motion. AKA – resistance bands are amazing for training after having a baby!

Core & Pelvic Floor

One of my main focuses is working to restrengthen my core and pelvic floor. So much has shifted after growing and delivering a baby, that gentle and consistent engagement is the best thing you can do – I’m being so careful not to overwork those muscles as they heal. Resistance bands are perfect for gradually increasing strength, and help turn on deep core muscles no matter what the exercise is.

Mobility & Range Of Motion

Sometimes resistance bands can turn up the heat of a workout, but they also offer support when it comes to your range of motion. Using bands limits your body to controlled movements, which reduces injury. For example, adding a band around your legs during squats is a good physical reminder to keep your knees pulling away from center, which may limit your range of motion to a depth that is safe for your fitness level. Using bands to limit your range of motion is really helpful during this postpartum season – I’ve found that using bands helps me to not overexert myself too quickly.

Ease & Convenience

Now the most crucial part of a postpartum workout? It must be convenient. I might have an hour while my baby is sleeping, or I might have 15 minutes. Using resistance bands is quiet, convenient, and the #1 most likely reason I can squeeze in a workout. Slide them under your couch for quick access, throw them in your car or stroller if you happen to have a sleeping baby for a few extra minutes. Take some pressure of yourself to make your workouts perfect!

Welcome! I’m Rachael.

I enjoy sharing my love for food and fitness. I'm a registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, and a New York Times Bestselling author. Here you'll find all kinds of recipes and kitchen hacks, as well as workouts and fitness motivation. Enjoy! — xx Rachael

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