I’ve been getting this question more and more often so I thought I’d put together some thoughts to help you decide where to start. First of all, I am so excited that you’re considering me as your virtual trainer and I can’t wait to workout with you!! The Good Sweat community is truly a big group of besties and we push each other through highs and lows to get stronger together

To get started, know that either guide is a great place to start, even if you’re a beginner! Both Good Sweat 1.0 and Good Sweat 2.0 are progressive workout guides – they get more challenging each week and are loaded with supplementary tips to master your training routine, nutrition, and overall well-being. There are a few key differences that I’ll walk you through if you’re looking for specifics 🙂

Summary of Good Sweat 1.0:
My original 6-Week At-Home guide includes 5 workouts per week using minimal equipment (weights, a chair or bench, and 5-feet of space). This guide includes an in-depth nutrition breakdown – we get into details on carbs, fats, proteins + how to use food as fuel and a part of your fitness routine. This guide includes 19 (!!!!) healthy recipe ideas to get inspired in the kitchen. You can consider Good Sweat 1.0 to be your comprehensive guide to establishing a foundation of health and fitness. Oh, it also has weekly goal-setting for accountability, an exercise video glossary to learn best form, a curated playlist AND access to my private facebook page with thousands of other Good-Sweaters to keep you motivated. After starting 1.0 with our community, I realized quickly people wanted MORE, so I created a 4-week add on program called OVERTIME. It’s designed to push you even harder after your first 6 weeks of training with me. You can grab these two ebooks separately if you want to test out the first 6 weeks before you commit, or you can grab all 10 weeks together in one download here.

Summary of Good Sweat 2.0:
Launched in tandem with Recreation Sweat, I built this 8-week guide for you to continue using at home, at the gym, or on-the-go. I tested out all the workouts around the time of my wedding and it honestly helped me get in the best shape of my life. Much like Good Sweat 1.0, this guide gets progressively harder as the weeks go by, includes 5 workouts per week with minimal equipment (just weights, a chair/bench, a jump rope, and always the option to include Rec Sweat gear for an extra burn – resistance bands and sliders), and has a full exercise glossary to focus on form and find modifications/substitutions for any move that you want to sub out. BUT I added some bonus features after listening to each and every one of you who gave me feedback after completing my first At-Home guide! This helped 2.0 really stand out and I’m so proud of how it came together. Not only is there a modification option for every move, but throughout the guide you’ll find circuits/moves with an option for ELITE for my people who really want to push themselves. On top of that, there are also two On-Demand workouts per week, meaning I’ve already recorded a Live-version workout you can use for extra motivation or if you prefer a class-like setting —  I’ll push you through!!! Finally, we included three separate burnout videos to add onto any workout (or perform on its own) that are sure to BURN OUT your muscles 😉 You get to choose between an Upper Body, Lower Body and Core Burnout.

So — which guide is for me?!

If you’re new to my community, just starting your fitness journey, recently recovered from injury, or are coming from a very different form of movement (running, yoga/pilates, etc) I’d recommend you start with Good Sweat 1.0. You’ll get a comprehensive guide to nutrition and fitness and you’ll be able to get familiar with my signature style of exercise — HIIT (high-intensity interval training) + strength. 1.0 is great for beginners through intermediates because I offer so. much. learning material from what to eat before a workout, to proper form, to the best way to cool down and recover. From there, once you establish your foundation of strength, you can jump into OVERTIME and Good Sweat 2.0 to really challenge yourself to keep growing and feeling more confident with your training! The best part about this first At-Home guide is that we’ve already gone through it as a community multiple times, which means the majority of the workouts in the program have been done as Live workouts and were saved to our private FB page (more reason to join once you snag either guide!).

If you’re more experienced in fitness and already have your nutrition locked in, I would still recommend starting with 1.0, but if you want the added features of 2.0, go for it! Good Sweat 2.0 touches on nutrition and recovery, but the focus is definitely on training to get in the best shape of your life. 2.0 will take you to the next level in your fitness journey in just 8 weeks and truly change your mindset when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. My goal is for you to look forward to your training and I’m confident I will get you there with these fitness programs! From beginner to immediate, immediate to advanced, advanced to ELITE (!!!) I promise that you will see progress as you go and you’ll be so proud when you complete 🙂 Can’t wait to see you in our Facebook group! Click here for all my fitness and nutrition guides. x Rachael

Welcome! I’m Rachael.

I enjoy sharing my love for food and fitness. I'm a registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, and a New York Times Bestselling author. Here you'll find all kinds of recipes and kitchen hacks, as well as workouts and fitness motivation. Enjoy! — xx Rachael

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  1. Are the original Good Sweat 1.0 workouts not available anymore? I bought 2 weeks individually of that program when it first came out and I’m wanting to finally buy the rest of them!

    1. to clarify it is not the at-home guide that I’m looking for! It was the original with the picture of Rachael upside down balancing on what looks like a bike rack