In a recent Q&A on instagram someone asked this question and I loved it so much! I can’t believe how many other women are pregnant at the same time as me, I feel so bonded to all the other moms-to-be! For anyone going through pregnancy or thinking about getting pregnant, here are 3 things that I believe positively impacted my pregnancy.

1. Experience and exposure

I’m really close with my sister who became a mom for the first time in 2023. Watching her go through her pregnancy, birth, and become the most incredible mom ever gave me so much confidence. I learned so much just through witnessing her experience, and got so much exposure to the wild world of pregnancy. On top of that, my sister remained so herself throughout the whole thing and kept her life as normal as possible. Both she, and my niece, are thriving. Not to mention, I got some good auntie practice in.

I didn’t have alot of exposure to babies at all before my sister got pregnant. It made a big difference to my confidence to go through it with her! I’ve had such a positive pregnancy so far (I’m 36 weeks!) and I want to share as much as I can about it to hopefully help all the future moms and my girls thinking about getting pregnant. I have a whole pregnancy tab on my site for you to check out, let me know if there are specific topics you want me to write about. I also have folder on my Amazon storefront with all my pregnancy necessities and baby items that you might need 🙂

2.Trust Yourself

I’m pretty good at going with the flow, and I think my ability to stay relaxed has made all the difference. I don’t worry too much about anything, and I really give myself permission to listen and follow my own intuition. It’s allowed me to stay positive and take everything one day at a time vs. worrying about the future or letting stress build up. I’m also avoiding and ignoring any unsolicited feedback and advice from others, especially if it’s negative or fear-based. I think confidence makes all the difference, and even though it’s my first pregnancy I’ve just focused on being in tune with myself.

There is an overwhelming amount of information for pregnant women, and it can be so confusing to navigate. While research and advice can be so helpful, my best advice is to listen to your gut. Pregnancy is not one size fits all, so learn what works for you!

3. Don’t Change Your Day To Day

Staying busy and keeping a (mostly) normal schedule has kept me sane. Somehow I’ve been busier than ever with work and all the to-do’s that come with having a baby. Not only has it been great for my mental health to keep up with my normal day-to-day, but it’s made the whole pregnancy fly by. I have mixed feelings about that since I’ve absolutely loved being pregnant, so I’m taking these last few weeks to really soak it up.

I still prioritize getting my workout in every morning, getting outside for walks, and the occasional pilates class here and there. I’m also still working full time, cooking lots, etc. BUT, I have also made alot more time for rest and recovery. I love a quick nap anytime between 1-6 pm, and I’m spending more time stretching and recovering on the daily!

Welcome! I’m Rachael.

I enjoy sharing my love for food and fitness. I'm a registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, and a New York Times Bestselling author. Here you'll find all kinds of recipes and kitchen hacks, as well as workouts and fitness motivation. Enjoy! — xx Rachael

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  1. Will you eventually do a post about your nursery furnishings and infant toys & accessories. I love the neutral colors you are using (vs. the usual blue, pink & yellow)