Ready to start making some changes? January is a great month to set new goals and start new habits. Here are 5 health-focused tips that will help you feel your best this month and all year long.

  1. Focus on high-protein meals. Implementing a high-protein diet will change your life. Protein is essential for every function of our bodies, but it also is the key to building and maintaining lean body mass, and staying full and satisfied (vs. constantly being hungry and snacking all day long). I have a tab on my website dedicated to high-protein recipes. While I’m at it, I’m also going to recommend you keep an eye on the added sugars in your day-to-day routine. Actually make a point to check the ingredients of the foods you’re eating and become aware of how you’re fueling your body. If you’re wanting more guidance in this arena, grab my 7-Day Added Sugar Detox for all my tips and tricks when it comes to reducing sugar cravings, improving your skin, increasing your energy levels, helping you sleep better, and so much more.
  2. Prioritize Sleep. I’ve gotten into a great routine of getting to bed by 9-10pm ever since coming home from London and being slightly jetlagged, but it’s been working in my favor and I feel so rested in the morning! I think we’ve all normalized not getting enough sleep, but now we’re all walking around like zombies on the daily. Sleep is overlooked, but it’s such a crucial part of our overall health. This is me urging you to change your habits by winding down 5-10 minutes earlier every night until you find your rhythm.
  3. Stay hydrated! Aim to get 100 oz of water each day. My Stanley obsession has helped my water intake so much, check out this cute one for the new year.
  4. Make NEAT a thing. If you haven’t heard of NEAT, it stands for: non-exercise activity thermogenesis, aka all the movement we get in a day outside of the gym. All the simple daily tasks like tidying up, walking through the grocery store, going for a walk, etc. – are actually a huge part of our overall health. Try setting a timer every hour, and get up for 5-10 minutes to sneak some extra steps into your workday. Not only is it good for getting more movement, but it breaks up long chunks of sitting at your desk and honestly is a good way to keep you focused!
  5. Stress management. Pick one activity per week that you want to do just for the sake of feeling good and your overall happiness. So much of our days revolve around productivity and maintaining our health, but we should also focus on managing our stress by adding one joy-inducing activity. This week I’m going to walk to the very-chilly beach with Coco and make my all-time fav dessert, my refined-sugar free twix.

Welcome! I’m Rachael.

I enjoy sharing my love for food and fitness. I'm a registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, and a New York Times Bestselling author. Here you'll find all kinds of recipes and kitchen hacks, as well as workouts and fitness motivation. Enjoy! — xx Rachael

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